Amirhossein YAZDANBOD
Born in 1977 in Tehran, Amirhossein studied philosophy and physics, but later changed his area to computer engineering. He started writing fiction in 2004 and his short story “For Marcia, the Dear Scoundrel” won Ghalam-e Zarrin-e Zamaneh short fiction prize in 2007. Amir’s first collection of stories, The Portrait of the Incomplete Man (Cheshmeh, 2009) won two national book prizes including “Golshiri”. His latest work Stutter (Ofoq, 2013), a political novel that occurs in Iran, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. He is Also member of PEN Canada Writers in Exile group and published essays and short stories in Canada.

The Portrait of the Incomplete Man
Cheshmeh, 2009

Ofoq, 2013

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